August 2020 Newsletter

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Welcome to the August 2020 edition of the TALLYMATICS Newsletter. Our newsletter is designed to keep our partners updated on our latest developments, as well as industry news.

In This Issue

TruFleet AVL “Restricted Hours of Operation”

TruFleet AVL update Release WCP 0.11.67 and TruFleet 51 supports “Restricted Hours of operation”. A vehicle moving outside defined hours of operation will generate a pop up alert and automatically email recipients.  This feature is system wide and cannot be enabled on a per fleet or per radio basis.

TruFleet Home

TruDispatch IP Voice Dispatch, Pre-Tones

TruDispatch IP Console release 2.15 now supports three different pre-tones that can be selected to inform the recipient of a specific type of call or priority. A new button has been added to the user interface to select which “pre-tone” to start the call with.  The default configuration is “None”.  When a tone is selected it will play on detection of PTT (Push to Talk) to start a “conversation”.    Pre-tones are played on local speakers to provide feedback, after the pre-tone normal voice audio from the radio mic is enabled.  The update is only for the TruDispatch Console only,  The TruDispatch Server does not require updating.

TruDispatch Home

Enhance your LTE-M tracking capabilities with Untethered Dead Reckoning

GPS tracking accuracy in dense urban environments such as downtown New York, Chicago, Montreal etc can prove to be very difficult and positioning accuracy is compromised. The Figure below shows severe wandering.

Adding Tallymatics TW5X62 GPS Receiver Antenna with Untethered Dead Reckoning to our TW400 LTE-M cellular modem enables tracking solution in places where GNSS signals are poor or not available.

Untethered Dead Reckoning (UDR) technology provides continuous navigation without requiring speed information from the vehicle.  The strength of UDR is particularly apparent under poor signal conditions, where it brings continuous positioning in urban environments. Useful positioning performance is also available during complete signal loss, for example in parking garages or short tunnels.

The figure below shows UDR tracking improvements with the Tallymatics TW5X62.

Smart Antennas

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