
Now you know if you have the right set of tools for the job

Manage and Track BlueTooth tagged assets

A KEY aspect of any mobile team’s effectiveness is having the right equipment at hand for the mission they are on. Almost every AVL/Location tracking solution focuses on vehicles or large objects like trailers or containers. The equipment ON the vehicle (or NOT on the vehicle) can have a decisive effect on how a trip goes. TruFleet.Cloud, combined with the TW400 Tracker/Gateway and the TW5470 BLE transceiver and compatible BLE tags on the equipment, provides the tools that allow you to manage your mission equipment payloads.

TruAsset is part of TALLYMATICS’ TruFleet.Cloud Software as a Service application.

Manage Inventory

Asset View for managing Equipment

What’s in your vehicle or store room … at a Glance

Hover Focus for Tool detail in Vehicle View

See current location or last location

Last known Location Click-through

Identify equipment in wrong location

Import from other Inventory management systems.

Create Classes for Kitting or Search